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Lead Times

So, you've decided to treat yourself to something new, something shiny, something that will make your life just a little bit better. A brand new set of Sheptone pickups. You place your order, eagerly anticipating the arrival of your latest purchase. But wait, what's this? The estimated lead time for your order is five weeks? Five whole weeks?!

Why the Long Wait?

Five weeks may seem like an eternity in today's fast-paced world of instant gratification, but fear not! Good things come to those who wait, right? The reason for the extended lead time is simple - quality takes time. Each order is carefully crafted and meticulously built by me to ensure that it meets my highest standards before it reaches your eager hands.

Patience is a Virtue

While waiting five weeks may feel like an eternity, think of it as an exercise in patience. Use this time to practice mindfulness, learn a new song a song that will sound way better with your new Sheptone pickups), or binge-watch that TV series you've been meaning to catch up on. Before you know it, your order will arrive, and the wait will have been well worth it.

Stay Positive

Remember, good things come to those who wait. Use this time to build anticipation and excitement for your upcoming delivery. Think of it as a countdown to Christmas morning, but instead of presents under the tree, you'll have a brand new sounding guitar in no time.

So, hang in there, my fellow tone freak. Five weeks may seem like a long time now, but soon enough, you'll be enjoying your new pickups and wondering why you ever doubted the process. The waiting game may not be the most fun, but the end result will be oh-so-sweet.

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